Know Your Gym Lingo

know your gym lingo
10 Sep

Stepping into the weightroom may be intimidating,  especially when you take out your earbuds and hear a completely foreign “Gym Lingo” language. Some of the sayings may be pretty self explanatory, but some make no sense at all! Here are 20 gym terms and phrases to up your “Gym Rat” vocabulary! Gym Rat: someone who […]

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20 Questions with Charity

20 Questions with Charity
10 Sep

Let’s get to know our Front Desk Staff Coordinator, Charity! 1.where did you grow up? Clark,SD 2. Share one weird fact about yourself. I LOVE oysters! 3. If you could rename yourself, what name would you choose? I’ve always loved the name Vera! 4. How did you get into fitness? I was active playing sports […]

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Protein Packed Mini Pizza

Protein Packed Mini Pizza
13 Aug

Here is a great recipe for mini pizza’s that are packed with protein You will need: English Muffins – my favorite is the Master’s brand Pizza Sauce – they are all pretty much the same, I search for something lower in sodium Gustare Vita is my favorite Kraft Fat Free Mozzarella – this is the […]

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Immune System And Exercise

boost immune system
09 Mar

When we’re hit with the cold, the flu, or a life-changing illness, we’re reminded pretty quickly just how important the immune system is to our overall wellness. Unfortunately, there’s no single magic pill that will transform your immune system into a superhero. You can learn how to improve your immune system with exercise though! Simple […]

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