Why Weight?

why weight
15 Jan

The average woman loses 3-8% of her muscle mass annually beginning at age 30, with the decline going even higher after age 60(1).  Strength training, specifically lifting in a range that is challenging for you, is the best way to maintain your overall health and increase lean muscle.  If one of your goals this year […]

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Benefits of Nutrition Coaching

Benefits of Nutrition Coaching
13 Nov

Women have unique nutritional needs throughout their lives. From puberty to pregnancy to menopause, our bodies are constantly changing. As a result, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest nutritional recommendations and to create a diet that meets our individual needs. This is where the benefits of having a certified nutrition coach […]

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Healthy Breakfast Oatmeal Cookies

Healthy Breakfast Oatmeal Cookies
12 Sep

These oatmeal breakfast cookies are super easy to make and are great for a make ahead breakfast or snack. This is a super simple recipe and what you choose to add to it, is what will keep it healthy. Old Fashioned Oats: I prefer to look for the gluten free version, usually buy the Bob’s […]

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Evolve Celebrates 5 Years

Evolve Celebrates 5 Years
11 Mar

As a business owner, each and every year of keeping a small, local business alive and thriving is no small feat. As we entered 2023, a new milestone was amongst us as we would celebrate the fifth anniversary of Evolve Fitness! Reaching the fifth anniversary is such an accomplishment, but it is not beyond us […]

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