Top 5 Steps to Crush Your Fitness Goals at Evolve Fitness We all start the year with a surge of motivation to reach our fitness goals. But let’s be honest, life gets busy, obstacles pop up, and sometimes that initial fire fades. Here at Evolve Fitness, we’re here to help you turn those “I wants” […]
Benefits of Nutrition Coaching
Women have unique nutritional needs throughout their lives. From puberty to pregnancy to menopause, our bodies are constantly changing. As a result, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest nutritional recommendations and to create a diet that meets our individual needs. This is where the benefits of having a certified nutrition coach […]
Highlights Sweat Camp 2022
Thirteen women joined me this summer for the second year of Sweat Camp. Overall, this experience was rewarding because the women enjoyed the workout program, created a supportive community and focused on their health this summer. Sweat Camp is an outdoor bootcamp for all women (open to non-members) hosted at Evolve Fitness. The goal of […]
Turkey Taco Pasta
Trainer Jenna is here with another tasty and healthy recipe! I am currently in love with chickpea noodles. I struggle getting enough protein in my diet but chickpea noodles have been a major help. Banza is a very popular brand of chickpea noodles but they are becoming more popular and I can usually buy different […]
New Year New You
New Year New You! 2022 is finally here and with that everyone is creating their “New Year’s Resolutions” in hopes that this year is the one they will stick to their goals. But more often than not, people have a difficult time keeping with their resolutions. Here is a guide on how to stick to […]
Cardio Before or After Weight Training?
You may have wondered whether you should do cardio before or after your weight training and the answer is….it depends on your individual needs and fitness goals. This is a hot debate in the health and fitness space because there isn’t a right answer to this question. First, I want to clarify this is not […]
Know Your Gym Lingo
Stepping into the weightroom may be intimidating, especially when you take out your earbuds and hear a completely foreign “Gym Lingo” language. Some of the sayings may be pretty self explanatory, but some make no sense at all! Here are 20 gym terms and phrases to up your “Gym Rat” vocabulary! Gym Rat: someone who […]
5 Ways to Manage Distractions
I can’t make it to the gym today because I need to pick up my kids from school. That pizza smells so good, let’s have it for dinner instead. It’s too cold [or insert any other unpleasant South Dakota weather here] to walk outside today. These are just a few examples of common distractions I […]
Exercise’s Impact on Mental Health
Exercise is often referred to as a “drug” for all the many benefits it provides your body both internally and externally. The impact on your mental health is often overlooked, but mental health is largely improved like physical health is, during and outside of exercising. Fitness can provide these benefits naturally, these effects that physical […]
The Benefits of SuperSets in Strength Training
You may have seen or heard of supersets, but are a little unclear on what they are because of the many definitions in the fitness community. Or you’ve never heard of supersets, but you’re interested in trying something new and spicing up your workout. A superset is not only a fun way to mix up […]